Last night on Nightline's Face-Off, 4 panelists (really 2 panelists) talked about whether or not it's ok to be fat. Panelists included Crystal Renn, model and author of "Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves" and Marianne Kirby, co-author of "Lessons From the Fat-O-Sphere" facing off against Meme Roth, president of National Action Against Obesity and Kim Bensen, author of "Finally Thin." In reality it was more of a Marianne Kirby vs. Meme Roth hatefest.
If you're wondering who Meme Roth is, please don't google the National Action Against Obesity. Read this article by Jezebel because going to the NAAO site might trick you into thinking she's legit.
After listening to the debate, I was surprised at how much I was incensed by Meme. After all, 'annoying things fat people do' articles don't write themselves. I honestly sometimes find fat people annoying. BUT, this woman obviously didn't get enough hugs as a kid because she came across as not only illogical in some ways but also VERY spiteful. I felt extremely uncomfortable for Crystal. This woman, who I'd give my left leg to look like (see above), is coming from a place of finally accepting herself after an eating disorder and has to listen to Meme talk about how we need to vilify food?!
Don't get me wrong. I think that Marianne Kirby is wrong too. I'm sorry but there's a difference between a little bit around the middle and what she has going on. But, if that's her choice, that's her choice. I'm not sure I buy her 'dieting made me this way' spiel. I think we're all in control of our choices, but if she feels good fat. More power to her.
I think it's too bad that someone who advocates a good cause, healthier lifestyles, comes across as so...Ann Coulter-y. I'm sure Meme would take that comparison as a compliment. And that's exactly the problem. What did you think of last night's debate?
~Love Handles
Ps--Also, apologies to Kim Bensen, who might have had some interesting things to say but got WAY overshadowed by craziness. I hope your publicist had a pow wow with the editors at Nightline.