My work is offering Weight Watchers in the office at discounted prices and I'm excited. Excited because I'm going to join the WW cult, you ask (what is UP with that picture)? HELL NO.
Weight Watchers has never really appealed to me because of the advanced algebra that seems to go into calculating points. '4g of fiber plus 16g of protein minus 10 g of fat', no thanks. I like to stop thinking past number of calories and maybe even before then. Also, the thought of sharing feelings and my emotional issues with food with my cubicle mates doesn't sound appealing.
I'm excited because maybe now people will stop bringing butter cakes into the office. Yes, I learned today while eating my snack of pickles that butter cakes are a thing. There is one sitting literally on the table next to me. Delicious sounding, obviously. BUT, maybe if this baking devil joins WW she won't bring in a 1,000 point cake. My wish is that everyone here who keeps bringing this great stuff in joins, maybe then I can fit into my Sevens again and we'll all be happy.
~Love Handles
ALSO - why do they call them POINTS when they are clearly anti-awesome to get????